Grow your wealth
Earn fixed returns, build a passive income and avoid equity markets volatility
Sign up for freeNon market linked investments
Predictability is better than uncertainty. Invest in assets with predictable returns rather than being exposed to equity market volatility.
We can never predict the next pandemic, next geopolitical war, next natural disaster, next high inflation environment, but we can definitely construct a portfolio that can lower the downside risk when such events occur. These assets provides necessary diversification to overall portfolio giving better risk adjusted returns.
Start Small, Earn Big
Traditionally, these investment options were only available to High Net Worth Individuals. Now, you can invest in mutual fund with as low as Rs 10,000 and grow your wealth
Manage your portfolio anytime with our mobile apps

Awards & Recognition

Top 10 wisest advisors in India, 2017

Winner of the Dell Startup Challenge

Top 10 Indian early stage fintech startups

Top 10 Asia Fintech in the future of finance challenge
Investments in debt securities are subject to risks. Read all the offer related documents carefully.
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