We all know that the last quarter of a financial year from January to March is the crucial time of the year where we rush to complete all our tax saving documentation to file the Income Tax. This is the time where one needs to...

All You Need to Know About Mutual Fund Withdrawal A mutual fund is considered one of the best wealth creation and investment vehicle that can be adopted by the predominantly middle-class Indians. It not only provides a way in for us to get involved in stock...

The Best Time to Invest in Mutual Funds Mutual funds are touted to be one of the best investment options for people seeking financial stability, with the moderate market risk involved. While that is true, investing in mutual funds is an art – you need to...

Before the establishment of the Securities Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”), Unit Trust of India was created in order to bring the savings from the household to industries and protect the interests of the investors. However, with the growth of industrialization, there was a need...

Mutual Funds have gained popularity as an investment avenue over the last decade with the increase in the average Assets Under Management from Rs. 5.41 trillion in July 2008 to Rs. 23.06 trillion in July 2018. It is important for investors to know the taxability...

The demand for products facilitating investments has grown over time in search of a better lifestyle. Adding to it the depreciating value of the currency has forced investors to look at a diverse array of investment solutions which can help them grow their wealth. A...

Young investors with little experience of how the Stock Market functions have a pertinent question “Is it safe to invest in Mutual Funds”? They need to know that there are risks involved in any form of investment where careful research is not carried out. It...

If ever there is an analysis of the psychology behind investments, investors can be segregated into two halves – one that invests from an investment point of view or for making money and the other half who end up investing in these for saving taxes....

Mutual funds investment can be done in two types of plans – regular and direct. Since the 2013 regulation by SEBI, all fund houses provide both kinds of investment plans to the public. Consequently, one of the most frequently asked questions is how one can...

Over the past few decades, the role of mutual funds as a dependable source of investment in a world of uncertain finances. has grown significantly. The power granted to the purchaser of investing in a dozen different securities without burning a hole through the pocket...

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