Title not required for this job – Mother’s Day special

Isn’t the title interesting? Mother’s Day Special. Now consider the following job post:
- No degree or prior experience required
- Salary and working hours non-negotiable
- No paid benefits; lifelong tenure
You would be surprised to see that over 2 billion people held this position the world over as of 2009.
Their job title is “Mom”
Advice such as “don’t be late”, “Work hard”, “practice more”, “Always do good” and many more are nothing but a mother’s softer approach to life lessons that leave an everlasting impact in our lives.
While there is no one day to show the love and affectionate for our mother, yet that time of year is here where we get a chance to express our gratitude to her for her contribution and countless sacrifices for our upbringing.
In India, the second Sunday of May is dedicated to these selfless souls.
The motherly wisdom never failed to teach us about life and she never made any mistake in inculcating, within us, the difference between a want and a need. Mothers also taught us to shop wisely while emphasizing the importance of being self-sufficient. Being one of the best managers across the world she did her bit in our upbringing and it is now our time to help her realize her dreams that she probably sacrificed due to family reasons or financial reasons. We, at ORO, believe the following set of unconventional gifts could be the best gift one could give to their mother this Mother’s Day.
Check it out.
- Start a fund to realize her dream – Mothers are human beings too and each one of them has a secret desire to get any specific artist’s work or any antique jewelry or maybe a vacation to a place of her choice. Help her get closer to her dream by setting up a goal-based fund in which the entire family can contribute. This would undoubtedly make her feel special and we bet once the goal is achieved you will surely witness the happiness in her eyes with tears trickling down her eyes.
- Buy medical insurance or finance health check-ups – Medical insurance is by far one of the best gifts you can give, as we believe “Health is Wealth”. Her good health is, in turn, a gift for you.
- Make her tech-savvy may be for managing money or getting more social – It is highly likely that your mother would have refrained from using smartphones or have never used any social media apps or financial planning/investment apps or have found it hard to cope up with the relentless march of technology. It would be a great start that you introduce your mother to technology and eventually help her understand social media, net banking, mobile payment, online shopping, online ticketing, online investments and many more. By this, you will not only empower her but will also enable her to live for herself. As a word of caution – we recommend you to also explain your mother the risks involved in such transactions and the caution she should follow.
- Fund a micro business – Mothers are the best managers and they are good at a variety of things. If she is willing to start cooking tutorial or maybe selling home-made pickles, papads etc. you can help her by providing required funds. You can assist in planning for the new venture by offering physical help wherever necessary.
You will be surprised to see the happiness in your mother’s eyes with these unconventional gifts. Lastly, we encourage you to make this day special for your mother and mark a new beginning by doing your part to make her dreams come true.
Celebrate Mother’s Day 2018 with Orowealth
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